Changing the narrative for foster care alumni.


Fostering Greatness, Inc., has partnered with the Independent Contractors Guild of WNY (ICG), a NYSDOL registered Apprenticeship Program to pilot the Cataract City Fostering Greatness Collaborative. Through an innovative service approach (“village”) to a minimum of 150 foster care young adults and alumni, the Collaborative will ensure the inclusion of an underserved, underemployed, unemployed, and overlooked population into the advanced manufacturing workforce. The Collaborative will engage in a wraparound service model that includes trainee supports, career coaches, childcare, housing, and other supportive services to reduce barriers to training and sustainable employment and careers.


Hi, I’m Leah

As an alumna of foster care, I know firsthand about the good, bad, ugly, missed opportunities, the mistrust, and the distrust of the foster care system. I have learned that life is what we make of it and eventually it is up to us as individuals to turn a negative situation into a positive outcome.

Audre Lorde said it best…” If not me, then who? If not now, then when?” This is our time to change the narrative and outcomes for those who are still navigating the foster care system, unsuccessfully. There are MANY of us who possess the knowledge, power, lived, and shared experiences to make effective, efficient, and real change obtainable.

Fostering Greatness Inc. was created by foster care alumni for foster care youth, young adults, and alumni. Let’s make the difference that we wanted others to make for us.

It’s our time and the time is NOW!


Help us provide support to foster care youth, young adults, and alumni by donating now.
